We had a disturbed night's sleep and perhaps our biggest - certainly most visible - mishap of the trip so far. Lying against the stone wall of the harbour, we'd put out fender boards to protect us from the rough wall. The wall has a ladder inset into it so that we can leave the boat at low tide when the wall towers 3m above the boat. At about 1am I woke to hear the noise of a line under tension. Gradually it dawned on me that with a rising tide and very slack lines there shouldn't be anything under tension. So I got up to investigate, and then rapidly awoke when I found that the fender board had caught on the bottom of the ladder - which obviously wasn't as recessed as the top was. As the tide rose, the board pulled down on the guard wire to which it was tied, which in turn pulled down on the stanchions and gate through which the guard wire runs. One half of the gate had collapsed. It an unfortunate - and perhaps freak - set of circumstances. We hoping that we'll be able to replace the damaged part - and if so then that might be the limit of the damage.
Distracted by this we didn't do very much in the morning, except go for an open air swim at the Stonehaven Open Air Pool At 7.00am it wasn't very crowded, and although it was heated I'm not at all sure it was anything like the 29 degrees advertised.
We left with the tide after lunch and we'd hoped for a repeat of yesterday's sailing. It wasn't to be as the wind died off and we had to motor. Although we had plenty of time, there was a hard time limit as Arbroath has a locked (as in sea lock) inner harbour which we wanted to be in for the weekend. So we had to motor-sail. That meant that we arrived in good time - and were lucky to be given the hammerhead berth just inside the harbour entrance. We would otherwise have been a bit big for any of the finger berths (which are about 6m - we're over 12m)
Beyond lots of places to buy Arbroath Smokies - which had closed for the day - there were some pubs but the only one we found which sold real ale was a not very attractive Wetherspoons. We had a quick drink and then went back to the boat with a fish and chips from the harbour front - which was actually quite good.