About me
I was trained as an Engineer, worked initially in manufacturing and then showed too much interest in IT and my career moved that way.
After leaving large companies in 2000 I worked as CEO of one start-up, and CTO of a second from 2003. The second evolved to become a successful web development and marketing agency.
In October 2013, 10 rewarding years to the day after co-founding the business, I took my leave of a great team to begin preparing for my next adventure whilst doing some commercial work as an IT consultant.
During these last 10 years I'd got increasing into sailing, and developed my first apps as a hooby to combine my interests and keep my hand in with a bit of practical coding - as well as creating the apps that I wanted to use myself.
Sailing was limited to weekends and an annual 2 week holiday. From a base in Gosport, we cruised from Scillies in the West to Holland in the East, and to Brest in South. Along the way we met some great people - enviously noting that they seemed to have more time than us.
So now we're making time to do more sailing. In June 2014 we set out for a longer term cruise ourselves. Initially, we'll be circumnavigating the UK (clockwise) which we expect to take most of the rest of the year - but we're being intentionally open with our plans to see how it goes.
To take us, we are commissioning a new boat, a Southerly 42RST.
In general this means that we will be putting more time into developing the apps, both to generate some income to help pay our way, and of course for our own use. This covers both the existing apps and ideas for new apps (or new features within the existing ones. Feedback and ideas are now even more welcome.
I use the pronouns I and we fairly interchangeably. The 'we' includes Minh, my partner in both sailing and now doing the development of the Android apps. I'm hugely indebted to him.
James Eddison
About this site
This site has 3 purposes:
- To inform people about the apps and offer support
- As a blog of my obersavations. Following my interests these will mostly be about either technology and app development, or sailing and sailing related technology
- From May onwards, it will also contain a section for friends and family to follow our progress on our travels.
I hope that you enjoy it.