St Kilda was covered in a very low cloud - we couldn't even see the cliffs on the opposite side of the bay. Despite this we took the dingy across and floated amongst the puffins in the water for a little while, but we couldn't see those on the cliffs.
Back on the boat as we prepared to leave there was a commotion in the sky, as a pair of Great Skua's were haranging some Gannets.
We didn't fancy crossing very far in such bad visibility - but we didn't know how localised it was. As the forecast was for generally good visibility we decided to go out a little way and see if it improved. It gradually did improve, but we never got a good view back to St Kilda which remained hidden in the mist.
Back through the Sound of Harris and we turned left to anchor in Loch Finsbay. It was a quiet corner although we could see that the road and a few houses were not far away. Even the main road on Harris isn't very large or busy so that's not a problem - in fact it's often a benefit as we've been surprised at how often in places like this we can pick up a wifi signal from shore. To do this we've a wifi signal booster, and have benefited from BT's policy of including a 'Fon' hotspot with most of their domestic installations. This complements mobile and 3G coverage which has been almost non-existant since we past Mallaig.